Get an overview of the different affordable housing models provided by the NBO members in Finland, Iceland, Norway, Sweden and Denmark.
Our members
BL - Danmarks Almene Boliger
BL - Danish Affordable Housing was founded in 1919 and is a cooperative social housing association which is both interest and industry association for the appr. 530 member organisations. The member organisations manage more than 560 000 dwellings, and thereby providing homes to approximately 1 million people.
Chair of the board: Allan Werge, CEO of Al2bolig.
CEO: Bent Madsen.
Address: BL, Studiestræde 50, 1554 Copenhagen, Denmark
Phone: +45-33762000 Fax: +45-33762001
KOVA, Kohtuuhintaisten vuokra- ja asumisoikeustalojen omistajat – KOVA ry
Finnish Affordable Housing Companies’ Federation – KOVA is an industry and interest organisation for affordable and non-profit housing companies in Finland.
KOVA’s mission is to gather all the Finnish affordable and non-profit housing companies together. Our goal is to promote our members’ premises to implement affordable housing now and in the future in Finland. Our vision is to be the most effective housing lobbyist in Finland.
KOVA has 133 members that own, maintain and build affordable and state subsidised rental and right of occupancy apartments all over Finland. As members we have municipally owned housing companies and other non-profit rental and right-of-occupancy housing companies. Some of our members offers also affordable housing for special groups such as elderly persons and handicapped persons. Our members’ ownership covers more than 330 000 apartments – over 80 percentage of all state subsidised rental apartments and about 85 percentage of right of occupancy apartments in Finland.
Chair of the board: Jaakko Kammonen, CEO of Espoon Asunnot (Espoo City Housing Company).
CEO: Jouni Parkkonen.
Address: KOVA, Yliopistonkatu 5, 7th floor, FI-00100 Helsinki, FINLAND
Tel: +358-50-406 6611
Búseti húsnæðissamvinnufélag
Buseti is a co-operative housing association established in 1983 and is owned by its approximately 5 500 members. The organization’s objective is to make quality Co-operative housing available for its members. Buseti emphasizes long-term planning and housing security. It develops housing projects with eminent homes in a sustainable living environment. Búseti runs around 1 000 apartments in the Reykjavik area. Currently it has around 200 apartments under development in Reykjavik and neighboring municipalities. Buseti places great emphasis on ethical values and social responsibility and is an active member of Festa, the Icelandic Center for Corporate Social Responsibility.
CEO: Bjarni Thorolfsson.
Address: Búseti húsnæðissamvinnufélag, Sidumuli 10, IS-108 Reykjavík, Iceland
Phone: +354-520-5755
Fax: +354-533-5749
Web site:
Felagsbustadir Hf.
Felagsbustadir är ett aktiebolag som ägs av Reykjavik kommun. Det bildades år 1997 och huvudsyftet är att äga och förvalta sociala hyresbostäder i Reykjavik. Felagsbustadir är det största bostadsföretaget på Island och äger nu omkring 2 200 lägenheter och har 25 anställda. Felagsbustadir är ett allmännyttigt och non-profit företag. Nyhetsbrev går ut till alla hyresgäster 3-4 gånger om året.
CEO: Sigrún Árnadóttir.
Address: Felagsbustadir Hf., Hallveigarstig 1, 101 Reykjavik, Iceland
Phone: +354-520 1500
Fax: +354-520 1501
Web site:
NBBL, Norske Boligbyggelags Landsforbund
The Co-operative Housing Federation of Norway (NBBL) is a national membership association representing 41 co-operative housing associations (building co-operatives).
12 700 housing co-operatives and condominiums, counting 510 000 housing units, are managed by these member associations. 5 600 are affiliated housing co-operatives, with 260 000 housing units, where the members have the right of pre-emption when the units are sold in the market.
These 41 associations, their 1 020 000 members, the housing cooperatives and NBBL make up the Norwegian Co-operative Housing Movement. This makes NBBL the third largest membership organisation in the country.
Vision and values
The vision of the Norwegian Co-operative Housing Movement is to offer its members the opportunity to acquire a decent home in a sustainable living environment. NBBL believes in the ethical values of honesty, openness, social responsibility and caring for others, thus adhering to the co-operative principles stated in the International Co-operative Alliance (ICA).
Chair of the board: Kirstin M. Leiros, CEO of OMT BBL
CEO: Bård Folke Fredriksen.
Address: NBBL, Øvre Vollgt. 11, Postboks 452 Sentrum 0104 Oslo, Norway
Phone: +47-22 40 38 50
Fax: +47-22 40 39 20
Web site:
HSB is Sweden’s biggest cooperative housing organization and develops, builds and manages housing for over one million people. All our experience and expertise is about creating as good accommodation as possible for our members.
We are a cooperative - owned by our members. The gain in HSB goes back to the business to make it even better. We develop and manage accommodation with high quality and an attractive environment. For us it is important to provide for a good and functional living.
HSB in figures:
624 000 members
129 000 HSB home savers
4 000 housing associations
28 HSB associations
Chair of the board: Johan Nyhus
CEO: Pernilla Bonde
Address: HSB Riksförbund, Box 8310, 10420 Stockholm, Sweden
Phone: +46 10 44 20300
Web site:
Riksbyggen är en ekonomisk förening med huvuduppgiften att bilda, bygga och förvalta bostadsrättsföreningar. Riksbyggen ägs av sina medlemmar som är bostadsrättsföreningar, fackliga organisationer och andra folkrörelseorganisationer. Verksamheten bedrivs kooperativt och affärsmässigt i medlemmarnas intresse. Det demokratiska inflytande sker bland annat genom ett 60-tal regionala intresse- och lokalföreningar. Riksbyggen producerar ungefär 2 000 nya bostadsrätter och 500 hyresrätter per år och förvaltar 2 400 bostadsrättsföreningar med sammanlagt 176 000 lägenheter. Därutöver förvaltar Riksbyggen 100 000 hyresbostäder och olika slag av kommersiella lokaler åt andra ägare. Sammantaget, antalet förvaltade bostadsrätter samt hyresrätter i eget bestånd, har Riksbyggen 188 400 lägenheter.
Riksbyggen organiserar ett bosparande – Riksbyggen BoSpar – där 27 000 medlemmar sparar med sikte på att en dag flytta in i en ny Riksbyggenbostad.
Styrelseordförande är Johan Lindholm och VD är Johanna Frelin.
Address: Riksbyggen, Kungsbron 21, 106 18 Stockholm, Sweden
Phone: 0771-860 860.
Web site:
Public Housing Sweden
Public Housing Sweden is an industry and interest organisation for public housing companies. Housing companies that are not owned by a municipality but are long term owners of rental properties and take social, economic and ecological responsibility, can become associated members. Public Housing Sweden has 316 member companies which manage 945 000 dwellings. The public housing sector represents almost 20 per cent of the total housing stock in Sweden and half of the rental sector.
Public Housing Sweden offers support and service to its members through information, competence and the exchange of experience. Public Housing Sweden also works to provide good operational conditions for its member companies and a positive development of rental property. Public Housing Sweden’s work concerns housing policy and is not affiliated to any political party. The board is politically appointed and reflects the overall political majority of our member companies.
Chair of the board: Åsa Johansson
CEO: Anders Nordstrand
Address: Public Housing Sweden, Hornsgatan 15 • 118 46 Stockholm Sweden
Phone: 46-8 406 55 00
Fax: 46-8 20 99 04
Web site:
EKÜL – Eesti Korteriühistute Liit
(Associated member of NBO)
EKYL – Estonian Union of Co-operative Housing Associations is a federation of apartment associations established in 1996 and gathering 1400 member organisations (non-profit apartment associations), that manage more than 50 000 apartments.
EKYL’s mission is to support the development of cooperative housing and sustainable living environment through community engagement, strategic planning, partnership and alliance building, communication, and the implementation of knowledge-based activities as training, consulting, advisory services, research, national and international cooperation projects.
EKYL works across Estonia, with main office in Tallinn, and regional offices in cities of Pärnu, Tartu, and Kuressaare. For trainings and dissemination of housing issues, EKYL has established its own private school – EKYL Training Centre for Apartment Associations, and its own magazine “Elamu” (“Dwelling”), the only magazine in Estonia focusing specifically on housing issues.
EKYL is a member of the European Federation of Public, Cooperative & Social Housing – HOUSING EUROPE, and a Geneva UN Charter Centre of Excellence on Sustainable Housing in Estonia.
Chairman: Andres Jaadla
Address: Sakala 23A, 10141 Tallinn, Estonia
Phone: +372 627 5740