NBO Conference 2024
September 19 and 20, 2024
–A festival on aeging
May 31, 2024
March - April, 2024
September 8 and 9, 2022
June 14, 2022
May 2021
September 11, 2020
High Level Roundtable – an integrated Nordic market for construction
October 10, 2019
Vibeke Borch Henning, Senior Economist, BL – Danmarks Almene Boliger and author of the 2024 State of Housing report.
The Nordic Housing Conference, held on September 19-20, 2024, explored key challenges and innovations in the housing and construction sectors across the Nordic region and Europe. The program began with a warm welcome by leaders from Public Housing Sweden and NBO, followed by Henrik Mitelman’s session on the future of the global economy, guiding attendees to stay optimistic amid geopolitical changes.
Filipa Roseta, Housing councilor, Lisbon City Council presented the housing development plans of Lisbon.
Key highlights included discussions on the state of housing in the Nordic countries, balancing sustainability and affordability in Lisbon, and addressing the growing demand for homes while mitigating climate impacts. Expert Matti Kuittinen emphasized the enormous impact construction has on our climate and biodiversity hence the need for value-based decision-making in construction, while Björn Berggren highlighted the Nordic renovation wave and its energy efficiency potential.
Matti Kuittinen, Architec D.Sc. / Aalto University. Called for a stop of human chauvernism in construction activities.
The conference culminated in the Housing Award ceremony, where this years winner Setlementti Asunnot was celebrated.
The following day featured study tours showcasing innovative housing solutions in Stockholm, including the Stockholm Royal Seaport and the cost-efficient Stockholmshusen project.
Photos by Dan Gibson, Public Housing Sweden.
Repesentatives of Setlementti Asunnot celebrating their victory. Photo: Dan Gibson, Public Housing Sweden.
What is an age-friendly neighborhood? How can we live together in new or old ways when we have to manage at home longer? Can good architecture relieve the welfare state, and what do the elderly really want?
Christian Pagh (Oslo arkitekturtriennale) in conversation with Jerome Picard (LOCAL), urban architect Maria Molden, and Kristin M. Leiros (Ofoten Midt-Troms Boligbyggelag).
Foto: Eivind Senneset
On May 31 NBO was represented by Kristin M Leiros, NBBL/Ofoten Midt-Troms Boligbyggelag and Pall Tomas Finnson in a debate at the Bergen located festival Generasjon– en aldringsfestival.
The debate touched upon interesting angles on future housing and neighborhoods for the elderly, both from a societal perspective and more concretely in relation to housing, architecture and urban planning. Not least the important focus on citizen health and the strength of local communities,
Webinar series on Nordic Housing situation
In the run up to the 2024 NBO-Conference in September, Public Housing Sweden have produced a series of three webinars focusing on the housing situation in Finland, Denmark and Norway. From a Swedish perspective they ask the question “What can we learn from them and what are the current challenges they face?”
You can watch the three webinars at Almännyttans arena
NBO – Housing Nordic and this years‘ host NBBL thanks everyone for their participation at the conference.
On september 8 and 9 reprsentatives from all over the Nordic Countries met up in Oslo to debate and share knowledge on affordable housing. The rich program offered an insight into the causes and future prospects of the current inflation; the challenges surrounding housing in rural areas; a thorough introduction to the Norwegian model for affordable housing; and much more.
As usual the program also included the release of the NBO report State of Housing in the Nordic Countries and the selection and celebration of the winner of the NBO Housing Award
State of Housing in the Nordic Countries 2022
With this year’s State of Housing in the Nordic Countries report NBO adresses the current most important issue – energy and climate politics – in relation to housing. Focus is on the Fit for 55 package from the EU.
Read the report.
Friis’ Gate (No) 6 and Højvangen (Dk) Share The NBO Housing Award 2022
When the final ballot for this year's housing award was completed, it was clear that there were two winners. Friis’ Gate 6 from Oslo Norway, and Højvangen from Skanderborg, Denmark. The winners distinguish them selves from the remaining candidates by showing the strong community and social well being that exists in the two housing areas.
NBO congratulates Friis’ Gate 6 and Højvangen on the great win and thank all the candidates for their efforts and participation.
See the two winners.
A Rural Perspective on Urbanisation and Ageing
On June 14 we had the pleasure to present the results of our collaboration with the Nordic Council of Ministers on Housing in Rural Areas.
It was an intensive hour with presentation of the key findings by head of research Páll Tómas Finnssonn and a panel talk with a group of experts on housing in rural areas (Download presentation).
Among other the debate touched upon the different ways to strategically address the challenges that depopulation and ageing poses to areas that are already sparsely populated.
Mårten Lilja, Vice CEO and head of Housing development at the Co-operative Housing Association Riksbyggen, Sweden, and vice chair of NBO – Housing Nordic.
Kirstin M Leiros, CEO of the Co-operative Housing Organization OMT BBL (Ofoten Midt-Troms Boligbyggelag), Narvik, Norway, and chair of NBBL The Co-operative Housing Federation of Norway.
Mette Tams, Political consultant at BL – the Danish Federation of Non-Profit Housing Providers, and coordinator of local political advocacy among others in southern Jutland a more sparsely populated area in Denmark.
Bengt Andersson, Senior adviser, at the Nordic Welfare Centre. Engaged in the question of how to secure a satisfactory level of welfare services, also for people living in the more remote parts of the Nordic countries.
Head of research Páll Tómas Finnssonn
From the right panel participants Mårten Lilja Vice CEO of Riksbyggen and Bengt Andersson, Senior Advisor at The Nordic Welfare Centre.
Leave No neighbourhood behind
Thank you to everyone who helped make the GROW camp's into two unforgettable and inspirational days in Boligselskabernes hus in Copenhagen.
Strategic urban development was on the agenda, the perspective was Nordic, and the tone was humble and respectful.
The conclusion is that we face very similar challenges and that we have a lot to learn from each other.
The goal of GROW is to create the basis for more inclusion and less segregation in vulnerable housing areas in the Nordic region through knowledge sharing and method exchange and to identify the most important political handles.
Thanks to Nordic Safe Cities and SLA - our partners in the GROW community - for the well-designed program.
Thanks to the many inspiring speakers for giving perspective and new angles.
And a special thanks to the representatives from the five residential areas (Hakunila (Finland), Søndre Nordstrand (Norway), Hammarkullen (Sweden), Vollsmose (Denmark) and Nordvest (Denmark).) for openly and honestly sharing both their challenges and their succeses.
Affordable housing is a key element in the green transition of Nordic economies. Renovation of existing housing stock as well as new build are two main impact areas for affordable housing providers. In the Nordic countries we have a long tradition for ambitious climate goals and NBO, umbrella organization for the Nordic cooperative, public and non-profit housing organizations, supports that. Positive effects of energy refurbishments and renovations such as lower energy costs and better indoor climate have positive benefits for the tenants. We as a sector will take our responsibility, driving energy refurbishments that are cost effective and technically feasible. On the other hand, we also have a long tradition for high welfare standards.
As affordable housing providers, we find it important that climate ambitions and green transition is socially balanced.
NBO – Housing Nordic and this years‘ host BL – Danmarks almene boliger thanks everyone for their participation at today’s NBO webinar.
We especially give our thanks to Kaare Dybvad Bek, The Minister for Housing and Construction, Denmark, Paula Lethomäki, Secretary general of the Nordic Council and Katrin Stjernfeldt Jammeh, Mayor of Malmö, Sweden, for their fine contributions to the program.
Kaare Dybvad Bek gave an interesting perspective on affordable Housing in the Nordic countries in a post-corona society. Why they are so important for welfare, equality and the cohesion of our societies
Paula Lethomäki, Secretary general of the Nordic Council introduced us to the new Nordic vision to become the world's most sustainable and integrated region by the year 2030 and how the affordable housing sector plays a key role in the work ahead and for Nordic cooperation.
Katrin Stjernfeldt Jammeh, Mayor of Malmö, Sweden, presented a new paradigm for housing – where ‘a home’ is a human right, as opposed to an economic asset and how this plays a strategic role in city development in Malmö.
Three presentations that confirmed that Nordic cooperation is relevant and meaningful. All agreed that further cooperation between the Nordic Council and NBO-Housing Nordic should be strengthened because the Nordic social, cooperative and public housing sector is a vital part the future prosperity of our Nordic region.
A call to the Nordic Ministers of housing and construction
NBO also had the honor of passing on the State of Housing 2020 report to Kaare Dybvad and with that recommendations for the Nordic Ministers of Housing and construction.
Recommendations that will make it possible for the affordable housing sector in the Nordic region to deliverer multiple short-term benefits during times of economic slowdown and at the same time setting in motion initiatives, that can contribute to our common Nordic Vision of an integrated and sustainable Nordic region by 2030.
The recommendations are:
Create a Nordic internal market for housing material.
Join efforts to support the EU in creating a more common EU-market for construction material to reduce costs of new housing projects.
Tap into the full potential of the digitalisation of the building process and the maintenance of the building stock.
Establish and maintain a strong, political will and cooperation among all relevant Nordic ministers and council formations to make the above happen.
The minister will pass on the recommendations to his Nordic colleagues meeting on Monday, September 14.
High Level Roundtable Discussion, Reykjavik, Iceland
Today NBO had a roundtable discussion with the Nordic Ministers for Construction and Housing in Reykjavik as well as representatives from the Nordic construction sector. The roundtable was initiated by NBO and the Islandic Presidency for the Nordic Council of Ministers.
The goal was to discuss the possibilities to create a single Nordic market for construction to improve efficiency, reduce construction costs and create more affordable housing.
The discussions was moderated by NBO’s chairman, Mr. Bent Madsen:
”I want to express a special thanks to the Islandic Presidency of the Nordic Council of Ministers as well as the secretariat of the Nordic Council for making it possible to meet like this today. It was quite unique and I hope future Presidencies will follow the Islandic example”.
Many very interesting points were made by the participants and indeed a large potential for increasing the efficiency in the Nordic construction sector was revealed. One of the main focus points was the potential in digitizating the whole supply chain across the Nordic countries.
Other points that where put forward by NBO was the need for a more circular and CO2-friendly construction sector together with hamonized regulation.
”I am sure the discussions have inspired the Nordic ministers”, says Bent Madsen.
The roundtable fed into the discussions that the Nordic building and construction ministers had right after the roundtable discussions. The output is a declaration signed by the Nordic ministers focusing on stronger competition and more affordable housing, reduced CO2-emissions and a more circular contruction sector.
“The Nordic countries have a great potential and possibility to be at the forefront – but only if there is close collaboration, clear goals and political will. NBO looks forward to continue the fruitfull discussions and support the ministers in reaching that potential”.
In the declaration, The Nordic ministers have asked the General Secretary of the Nordic Council of Ministers to look into the possibilites of funding the further work on harmonisation and reducing emissions.
Read more about the event and the ambitions of the Nordic ministers for Housing and Construction